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Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема design
Результаты 1 по 5 из 5
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2016 | Modern design. Peculiar features. Terminology | Maryanko, Y.; Zaytseva, O.; Syvokin, A.; Kartel, T. |
2021 | Modern trends in the interior design of individual houses | Gorbenko, A.O.; Sapunova, M.Yu.; Kopylova, N.O. |
2021 | Modernization of higher architectural and art education;problems and prosperects for training specialists | Kubrish, N.R.; Samoylova, O.M.; Oleshko, I..I. |
2022 | Principle of forte and plano in the design of thematic entertainment centers | Pishehev, D.O. |
2017 | Ukrainian design as a separate branch of arts and crafts and formation of its terminology | Мар'янко, Я.Г.; Зайцева, О.Ю. |