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Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема graphic education
Результаты 1 по 5 из 5
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2016 | Drawing training of students – main basis engineers’ education | Bredneva, V.; Kosharskaya, L.; Linetskaya, A. |
мая-2017 | On perfecting of Competency Approach to Graphic Training of future | Bredniova, V.; Kosharskaya, L.; Luzina, T. |
апр-2017 | On the formation of professional graphics competencies by students building and maritime specialties | Bredniova, V.; Kosharskaya, L.; Linetskaya, А. |
2018 | To the question of investigating the factors of influence on improving the quality of mastering graphic disciplines by students of technical specialties | Bredniova, V.; Kosharskaja, L. |
янв-2018 | To the question of investigating the factors of influence on improving the quality of mastering graphic disciplines by students of technical specialties | Bredniova, V.; Kosharskaja, L. |