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Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема mechanical activation
Результаты 1 по 4 из 4
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2015 | Fly ash and its influence on the properties of mechano-activated cement compositions | Mostovoi, S.N.; Barabash, I.V.; Ksenshkevich, L.N.; Krantovskaja, E.N. |
2022 | Intensive separate technology and its influence on the properties of cement-water compositions. solutions and concretes on their basis | Barabash, I.V.; Babiy, I.N.; Streltsov, K.O. |
2024 | Mechanochemical activation of portland cement and its influence on the thermomechanical characteristics of cement-water compositions and solutions based on nhem | Barabash, I.V.; Davidchuk, V.G.; Streltsov, K.A. |
2014 | The research of a phase composition and a microstructure of hydrated cement by mechanoactivated bonding substance with an additive of microsilica | Barabash, I.; Ksenshkevich, L.N.; Streltsov, K.; Mostovoi, S.N. |