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Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема motion
Результаты 1 по 6 из 6
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
1975 | Motion of a ponderous rigid body with a fixed point in a mildly resisting medium | Leshchenko, D.D. |
1985 | Motion of a satellite relative to the center of mass under the action of light-pressure forces | Leshchenko, D.D.; Shamaev, A.S. |
1979 | Perturbed motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange case | Akulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Chernousko, F.L. |
2019 | Perturbed motions of a spheroid with cavity containing a viscous fluid | Akulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Paly, K.S. |
2015 | Rotational motion of a satellite with viscous fluid under the action of the external resistance torque | Leshchenko, D.D.; Akulenko, L.D.; Rachinskaya, A.L.; Shchetinina, Y.S. |
1992 | Some problems on the motion of a rigid body with internal gegrees of freedom | Leshchenko, D.D.; Sallam, S.N. |