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Showing results 281 to 300 of 10061 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Influence of bolted splice connections on the global behaviour of steel lattice telecommunication towersWojnar, A.; Marszalek, K.; Chernieva, O.; Sleczka, L.
2021Influence of fiber reinforcement on concrete shrinkage for rigid road and airfield pavement repairKroviakov, S.O.; Kryzhanovskyi, V.O.
2017Influence of intermittent cyclic load on the model of protection of reinforced concrete beamsKarpiuk, V.М.; Kostiuk, Anatoliy; Maistrenko, Oksana; Somina, Y.А.
2017Influence of intermittent cyclic loading on reinforced concrete resistance modelKarpiuk, V.М.; Kostiuk, Anatoliy; Maistrenko, Oksana; Somina, Y.А.
2021Influence of metakaolin on properties of concrete modified with polycarboxylate admixture for rigid pavement repairKryzhnovskiy, V.O.; Kroviakov, S.O.; Zavoloka, M.V.
2018Influence of snow loading character on optimal lattice`s geometric shape of the combined arch systemSingayevsky, P.M.; Kupchenko, Y.V.; Chuchmay, S.M.
2017Injection propagation model in sandy soilPetrovskyi, A.F.; Babiy, I.N.; Borisov, A.A.
2017Innovation districts – a new form of urban functional and spatial organizationVershinin, V.I.
2024Innovative approaches to interior designKorobko, O.O.; Turikova, O.M.; Tokar, V.O.; Petukhova, T.A.
2017Innovative technology of horizontal protective shield arrangement using injectionMeneylyuk, A.; Borisov, A.; Petrovskiy, A.; Nikiforov, A.
2019Inovativne vzdelavanieRonn, F.; Vasylenko, O.; Polshcikova, N.
2022Inspections of pedestrian bridges in presovPeterPaulik, Jakub Gasparek; Kopasek, Denis; Chernieva, Olena
2020Installation of pile foundations with innovative technologiesSverdlenko, O.L.; Karpiuk, I.A/
2023Intelligent lighting system (development prospects in residential buildings)Minchenkov, R.I.; Vasilenko, O.B.; Konuk, A.E.
2022Intensive separate technology and its influence on the properties of cement-water compositions. solutions and concretes on their basisBarabash, I.V.; Babiy, I.N.; Streltsov, K.O.
2024Interactive training of a foreign language of professional directionKartel, T.M.
2020Interconnection between risk-taking and passionarity of persons of young ageBykova, S.
2022International cooperation in the management of educational Projects of higher educational institutionsStrenkovska, A.Yu.
2024Interrelationship of educational components for the formation of student scientific activityKrantovska, О.М.; Ksonshkevych, L.M.
2018Introduction of new methods of studies in educational process of graphic disciplinesDotsenko, J.V.; Sydorova, N.V.; Dumanskaya, V.V.; Marchenko, V.S.