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Showing results 321 to 340 of 9958 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Modern design. Peculiar features. TerminologyMaryanko, Y.; Zaytseva, O.; Syvokin, A.; Kartel, T.
2023Modern method of applying the mixture on a vertical surfaceGalushko, V.O.; Meneilyuk, O.I.; Bichev, I.K.; Kyryliuk, S.V.; Uvarov, D.Yu.; Uvarova, A.S.
2024Modern methodological means of teaching graphic disciplines for first-year studentsBrednyova, V.P.
2024Modern methods of teaching English in higher educationLazarchuk, S.
2018Modern of calendar plans technique composition for construction of building complexFaizulyna, O.A.; Bespalova, A.V.; Dashkovskaya, O.P.; Knush, A.I.
2022Modern roundabouts: global experience and implementation in UkrainePanin, P.D.
2021Modern trends in the interior design of individual housesGorbenko, A.O.; Sapunova, M.Yu.; Kopylova, N.O.
2021Modern trends of the noospheris reconstruction of the central part of the city and the landscape environmentSokolova, I..S.; Vasylenko, O.B.; El Echeheikh, EI Alaoui Douaa
2013Modern ukrainian industry development trendsTiulkina, K.O.; Kostenok, O.Y.; Hetman, V.
2021Modernization of higher architectural and art education;problems and prosperects for training specialistsKubrish, N.R.; Samoylova, O.M.; Oleshko, I..I.
2017Modified expanded clay light weight concretes for thin-walled reinforced concrete floating structuresMishutіn, A.V.; Kroviakov, S.; Pishev, O.; Soldo, B.
2022Moodle as innovative tool in english language teaching for foreign studentsChaenkova, O.K.
1975Motion of a ponderous rigid body with a fixed point in a mildly resisting mediumLeshchenko, D.D.
1985Motion of a satellite relative to the center of mass under the action of light-pressure forcesLeshchenko, D.D.; Shamaev, A.S.
2018Multi-criteria analysis of lightweight monolithic overlappingsMeneiliuk, A.I.; Meneiliuk, I.O.; Kolotylo, T.; Rohozhynskaya, A.
2016Multidimensionality of organizational and technological management of transport facilities construction enterpriseMeneylyuk, A.; Nikiforov, A.
2020Multiсriterial search for rational solutions when developing building compositesLyashenko, T.V.; Antoniuk, N.R.
2019My three quick starters of the lectureChernieva, Olena
2019Nanotechnological techniques of obtaining building composites on a silicate matix of thermo-moisture hardeningLutskin, Y.S.; Shynkevych, O.S.; Surkov, O.I.; Myronenko, I.M.