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Showing results 629 to 648 of 10148 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Transport construction cost management by rational organizational and technological solutionsMeneylyuk, O.; Nikiforov, A.; Meneylyuk, I.
2023Trends in the development of modern world architectureKubrysh, N.R.; Oleshko, L.I.; Samoylova, О.М.
Jun-2017Two-dimensional numerical simulation study of the effective thermal conductivity statistics for binary composite materialsZaginaylo, I.; Maksimeniuk, Yа.; Pysarenko, A.
2022Two-way street to walk the talk:designing environment for foreign language learnersHorostovatova, Y.O.; Maksymenko, Y.A.
2023Typology and influence crisis periods on the development of residential buildings in modern citiesMorozova, T.T.
2017Ukrainian design as a separate branch of arts and crafts and formation of its terminologyМар'янко, Я.Г.; Зайцева, О.Ю.
2017Ultimate elongation of concretеKurgan, P.G.; Kurgan, S.P.
2022Unit економіка у будівництвіКамбур, О.Л.
2022Use of energy saving technologies in greenhouse complexes (on the example of the diploma project)Sokolova, A.V.
2024Use of information technologies in project management in municipal economyDanylenko, A.V.
2018Use of integral calculus for building developments of undevelopable surfaces of revolutionNikitenko, O.; Kernytskyy, I.; Kalinin, A.; Kovalova, G.
2024Use of modern innovative technologies is architecture and urban planning to preserve world historical and architectural heritageBalduk, P.; Balduk, H.
2022Using theory of gestalt to characterize the logo in industrial design teachingGorbenko, S.A.; Yaseen Wami Naser, AI-Nasser
2017Venturouse personality in the manegment activitiesBykova, S.
2015Vibration monitoring of building constructionsNemchynov, I.; Khavkin, A.; Dorofyeyev, V.; Shekhovtsov, I.; Petrash, S.; Malakhov, V.
2014Vibration monitoring of joints of precast and cast-in-situ reinforced concreteKhavkin, A.; Marienkov, N.; Babik, K.; Dorofeev, V.; Shekhovtsov, I.; Petrash, S.; Malakhov, V.
2023Virtual laboratory work of the resistance of materials courseNeutov, S.P.; Krantovska, O.M.
2024Visual communication as an important component of grapnic designLiubimova, O.D.; Viziriako, S.
2017Wall Friction Angle of Grain Material With Respect to Dominant Particle OrientationAniskin, A.; Moskalova, K.; Kos, Z.
2016Ways to improve the employment of graduatesAntoniuk, N.R.; Bachinskyi, V.V.; Moskalova, C.M.