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Showing results 403 to 422 of 10061 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Parameters affecting the temperature of the diamond cutting disc when cutting building materialsBespalova, A.; Knysh, O.; Dashkovska, O.; Faizulyna, O.; Chumachenko, T.
2022Parameters determining the degree of the required external transversal FRP reinfocevent of metal cylindrical tanksDziuba, S.V.; Korshak, O.M.; Mikhailov, O.O.
2022Parameters determining the degree of the required external transversal FRP reinforcement of metal cylindrical tanksDziuba, S.V.; Korshak, О.М.; Mikhailov, O.O.
Mar-2015Peculiarities of the soil deformation process at the bases of experimental settlement platesTugaenko, Y.; Marchenko, M.; Tkalich, A.; Mosicheva, I.
2012Percolation Model of Composites: Fraction Clasters and Initial BoundariesHerega, A.; Vyrovoy, V.; Pysarenko, A.
1986Perturbed motions of a rigid body that are close to regular precessionAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Chernousko, F.L.
2020Perturbed motions of a rigid body under the action of unsteady torquesLeshchenko, D.; Kozachenko, T.
1979Perturbed motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange caseAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Chernousko, F.L.
2019Perturbed motions of a spheroid with cavity containing a viscous fluidAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Paly, K.S.
2019Perturbed motions of a spheroid with cavity containing a viscous fluidAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Paly, K.S.
2011Perturbed rotation of a rigid body close to the lagrange case under stochastic oscillations of poin of supportLeshchenko, D.D.
1990Perturbed rotation of a rigid body relative to a fixed pointLeshchenko, D.D.; Sallam, S.N.
1990Perturbed rotational motion of a rigid bodyLeshchenko, D.D.
1990Perturbed rotational motions of a rigid body similar to regular precessionLeshchenko, D.D.; Sallam, S.N.
1987Perturbed rotational motions of a rigid body that are close to regular precession in the Lagrange caseLeshchenko, D.D.; Shamaev, A.S.
2020Perturbed rotational motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange case, under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torquesLeshchenko, D.; Kozachenko, T.
2016Perturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation TorquesAkulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Zinkevich, Ya S.
2020Pest-аналіз галузі будівництва УкраїниАжаман, І.А.; Гронська, М.В.
2021Phenomenological analysis of the role of geometric features in the formation of the structure and properties of the materialKolesnikov, A.V.; Semenova, S.V.; Kirilenko, G.A.
2020Pile immersion method and bearing capacityShpak, R.O.; Karpyuk, I.A/