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dc.contributor.authorKolesnikov, A.V.-
dc.contributor.authorSemenova, S.V.-
dc.contributor.authorVyrovoy, V.M.-
dc.contributor.authorOliinyk, T.P.-
dc.description.abstractThe aticle is devoted to the consideration of the material science problems froms the standpoint of the general systems theory,The method of dialectical pairs "part-whole", "сontinuous-discrete" and "randomness-necessity" is used, corresponding to the general system coordinates, on the basis of which the third emergent component of a synthetic nature arises/uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса, ОДАБАuk_UA
dc.subjectcomposite building materialsuk_UA
dc.subjectdispersed systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectsystem approachuk_UA
dc.subjectstructure formationuk_UA
dc.titleBuilding composites as objects of system analysisuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Вісник ОДАБА №3

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