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dc.contributor.authorMytynskyi, V.-
dc.contributor.authorNovskyi, O.-
dc.contributor.authorNovskyi, B.-
dc.contributor.authorSushytska, T.-
dc.description.abstractThe behavior of the piles in the engineering and geological conditions of the construction water area of a new two-way pier of the berth on the territory of the sea trade port of Chornomorsk as a part of the expansion of production capacities for transshipment of grain, food products,processing of oil and grain crops was studied.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса, ОДАБАuk_UA
dc.subjectport, pier, hydraulic structureuk_UA
dc.subjectbasin deposits, sitl, shellsuk_UA
dc.subjectstatic tests, dynamic testsuk_UA
dc.subjectbearing capacityuk_UA
dc.titleStatic and dynamic tests of metal pile-shells of a sea pier marine terminaluk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Вісник СБА №4

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