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Titel: Innovation districts – a new form of urban functional and spatial organization
Autoren: Vershinin, V.I.
Stichwörter: industrial technology arrangement
new urban formations
innovation districts
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Материалы XIII Международной конференции «Стратегия качества в промышленности и образовании», Варна, Болгария
Serie/Report Nr.: Том 1;р.57-60
Zusammenfassung: The level of industrial and technology arrangement is one of the most important factors in the formation of the functional and spatial organization of cities, in disposition of residential and industrial territories, the advancement of which defines the improvement of urban areas. The last decades cardinal changes in the production organization, implied in the transition from Fordism - mass production to post-Fordism - innovation-based production, with the crucial importance of knowledge and intellectual abilities, cause serious changes in the organization of enterprises, regions, countries and cities.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в матеріалах конференцій та семінарів, симпозіумів. Тези

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