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dc.contributor.authorVyrovoy, V.-
dc.contributor.authorKorobko, О.-
dc.contributor.authorIelkin, O.-
dc.description.abstractThe problems of forming the structure of hardening mineral binders as a result of the implementation of basic events and emerging related processes are considered. It is shown that the self-consistency of events and the phenomena caused by them create a dynamic structural portrait of the developing system. Special attention is paid to the fact that changes in temperature and volume deformations are a "shadow" of events and do not allow us to identify the technological event itself.uk_UA
dc.publisherWeb of Conferences, Open Access Journal «MATEC Web of Conferences»/ –EDP Sciencesuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 116;-
dc.subjecthardening mineral bindersuk_UA
dc.subjecttemperature and volume deformationsuk_UA
dc.subject"shadow" of eventsuk_UA
dc.titleTechnological events in structural evolution of building compositesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Стаття в матеріалах конференцій та семінарів, симпозіумів. Тези

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