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dc.contributor.authorAniskin, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMoskalova, K.-
dc.contributor.authorKos, Z.-
dc.description.abstractWhen calculating the lateral pressure on the retaining wall, and generally, where there is contact between soil and the structure, it is necessary to know angle of soil friction on construction. This paper deals with experimental research of the friction angle of the grain materials on rigid wall, with different dominant orientations of the grains relative to the wall. Twelve series of direct shear experiments were performed with the dominant orientate on of the particles of grain materials 0° and 90° with respect to the wall. Specific fill in technology method was proposed. The results showed that the difference in the angle of wall friction relative to the orientation of the grain is less than 5%. In other words, we can neglect it, and in calculations with grain materials, can use the angle of wall friction as a constant irrespective of the orientation of the layers to the retaining wall.uk_UA
dc.publisherElectronic Journal of Geote chnical Engineeringuk_UA
dc.subjectаngle of wall frictionuk_UA
dc.subjectdirect shearuk_UA
dc.subjectexper imental researchuk_UA
dc.subjectparticulate matteruk_UA
dc.subjectparticle orientationuk_UA
dc.titleWall Friction Angle of Grain Material With Respect to Dominant Particle Orientationuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Стаття в журналі

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