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Titel: Lexical-samantic group of the ornament names in Ukrainian design terminology
Autoren: Maryanko, Y.
Zaytseva, O.
Stichwörter: design terminology
design pattern
method of word-formation
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія : Філологія
Serie/Report Nr.: Вып. 29;с.35-37
Zusammenfassung: The problem of the Ukrainian names of design patterns origin – the part of the design terminology – is examined in this article. It is underlined that the basis of this thematic group is the nominations of Common Slavonic origin. It is no coincidence that linguistic and nonlinguistic factors influenced on the names of Ukrainian design patterns, for instance the environment.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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