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dc.contributor.authorФомин, В.М.-
dc.description.abstractIn solving static and dynamic problems for reinforced concrete frames on nonlinear and plastic properties of material in order to achieve sufficient accuracy, you need to make a partition of the elements of reinforced concrete frames on the large number of small finite elements because of dependence of deformation properties of concrete from its stress-strain state, what leads to the system of resolving equations of finite element method of high order. Therefore there is a need to use alternative methods such as the boundary element method, applicatoin of which requires presence of bending differential equations. An algorithm for constructing the matrix of fundamental functions of the Cauchy problem for the mentioned above system of differential equations as well as the matrix-column of special particular solutions, defined by a given load, which are necessary for the application of the boundary element method to studying the static and dynamic problems of reinforced concrete beams and frames bending taking into account the above mentioned parameters has been proposeduk_UA
dc.publisherАктуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017uk_UA
dc.subjectдифференциальные уравненияuk_UA
dc.subjectрешение системuk_UA
dc.subjectзадача кошиuk_UA
dc.titleМодификация метода граничных элементов для решения нелинейных задач пространственного изгиба железобетонных балок и рам с учетом пластичности бетонаuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017

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