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Titel: Improvement of cooperation forms with students of civil engineering track in the online study of graphic disciplines
Autoren: Brednyova, V.P.
Naydynova, U.I.
Krohmal, V.O.
Stichwörter: civil engineering
online study
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: УЯПФ 2021р.
Zitierform: с.88-89
Zusammenfassung: Engineering graphics is one of the basic disciplines that professional training of students of technical majors is based on from the first year. The studying of graphic disciplines provides students with an opportunity to develop and improve spatial and logical thinking as well as individual graphic skills and to compose and read drawings correctly, etc. Without the knowledge of these factors, it is difficult to imagine competent civil engineers and designers capable of creating new projects of modern machines, buildings, and structures.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2021р.

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