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Titel: Development of socially affordable housing using construction management templates
Autoren: Meneylyuk, O.
Nikiforov, O.
Lukashenko, L.
Stichwörter: construction management
construction management template
full investment and construction cycle enterprise
information and communication technologies
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges].
Zitierform: Режим доступу до ресурсу:
Serie/Report Nr.: Iss. 26;p.26-35
Zusammenfassung: Introduction. As a result of the military aggression of Russian Federation, an unprecedented amount of housing stock was damaged in various cities of Ukraine. Accordingly, the issue of restoring damaged and rebuilding new housing for socially unprotected population arises. In addition to a wide range of issues related to architecture, energy efficiency and structures of these buildings, there is a need to create a reliable management tool that will allow a large amount of construction and restoration work to be carried out economically and in a short period of time. Problems. Restoring damaged and rebuilding new housing includes solving the following tasks: reduction of construction cost and life cycle cost of buildings; shortening the terms of construction and restoration works; taking into account world experience in the design and construction of high-quality socially accessible housing; flexible management of the intensity of state financing of portfolios and programs of investment and construction projects. The information and communication concept "construction management template" can be a tool for solving these tasks. Purpose. The article is intended to justify the expediency of using a new multidimensional business-model of construction enterprise based on the concept "construction management template" for the development of social housing in post-war period of Ukraine recovery. Materials and methods. The new information and communication concept provides the implementation of the most effective innovative and traditional management methods. The corresponding multidimensional business-model of construction enterprise provides taking into account the principles of sustainable development. It is proposed to use this concept within the framework of a multidimensional business-model that will ensure high standards of management of the construction of socially affordable housing during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Results. The information and communication concept "construction management template" is proposed. The concept served as a basis for the development of a new multidimensional business-model of construction enterprise. The principle of operation of this model consists in comparing the factors of sustainable development of the enterprise with its organizational divisions and determining the relevant performance indicators. The multidimensional business-model of construction enterprise, proposed for the first time, allows balanced distribution of business processes and responsibilities between the structural divisions of the enterprise. This is achieved due to: the use of one unifying information and communication tool that allows to automate a number of business processes; structuring information about the project in such a way that top management can receive it without the need to use intermediate hierarchical links of management; identification of discrepancies between the activities of different divisions when creating and editing the information and communication model. Conclusions. The multidimensional business-model of construction enterprise makes it possible to raise the standards of construction management. The corresponding technical and economic effect consists in shortening the terms of construction and restoration works; reduction of the construction cost and cost of the life cycle of buildings; taking into account world experience in the design and construction of high-quality socially accessible housing.
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