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Titel: Cargotecture:the modular evolution of architecture
Autoren: Kyselova, G.V.
Kyselov, V.M.
Lisova, A.P.
Stichwörter: shipping container
cargotecture, design
building materials, system
box structure, architecture
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Herausgeber: Одеса, ОДАБА
Serie/Report Nr.: 24;77-83
Zusammenfassung: In connection with the global challenges that arise humanity in the 21st centru, humanity continues to look for waus to reduce the costs of building housing and sub-housing.As an alternative option, more and more often standart sea containers are used, suitable for both permanent and temporary accommodation.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Збірник РПАіМ №16

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