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Titel: Calculation of annular plates on an elastic base with a variable bedding factor
Autoren: Surianinov, M.
Krutii, Y.
Kirichenko, D.
Klimenko, О.
Stichwörter: direct integration method
annular slab,elastic foundation
Winkler model,variable bedding factor
finite element method
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Одеса, ОДАБА
Serie/Report Nr.: 22;43-52
Zusammenfassung: The application of the analytical method- the method of direct integration- to calculations of buiding structures in the form of circularplates and plates on a continuous variable elastic base is considered.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:МММ, том 4 Випуск 2

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