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Titel: Glass in architecture and sculpture
Autoren: Koniuk, A.E.
Polshchikova, N.V.
Vasylenko, О.В.
Stashenko, M.S.
Stichwörter: glass, building material
glass surfaces, glass structure
stained glass windows
modern technologies sculpture
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Одеса, ОДАБА
Serie/Report Nr.: ;6-13
Zusammenfassung: The use of special glass (stained glass. etc.) in modern decor is becoming relevant. Its use is functionnal and aesthetis. The purpose of special window, door, finishing surfaces is diverse:they are rich decorations of buildings and individual rooms, they replace glass and panels and let in light. they make it possible to isolate the premises of the first floors ...
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Сборник ПТИАУ №22

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