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Title: Optimization of thermal protection of frame- monolithic buildings
Authors: Khlytsov, M.
Bochoroshvili, G.
Keywords: optimizanion
of thermal protection
of frame-monolithic buildings
mass construction
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Одеса, ОДАБА
Series/Report no.: ;73-75
Abstract: During the mass construction of frame-monolithic buildings, due attention is not always paid to the thermal insulation of protruding ceilings, for example,balconies, bay windows and other structural tltments,which leads to significant heat losses, but they are the "bridges" of cold that reduce thermal comfort in the premises fnd forces their residents to spend ...
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми енерго-ресурсозбереження та екології
Актуальні проблеми енерго-ресурсозбереження та екології

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