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dc.contributor.authorPetrach, V.D.-
dc.contributor.authorBaryshev, V.P.-
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko, L.F.-
dc.contributor.authorGeraskina, E.A.-
dc.contributor.authorGolubenko, A.V.-
dc.description.abstractThe research is devoted to solving the urgent problem of inereasing the efficiency of decentralized heat supply of public buildings and industrial enterprises with typical municipal and industrial heat generators on the basis of theat pump energy conversion of pre-cooling of heat flows of the return energy carrier from the heat network, ....uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса, ОДАБАuk_UA
dc.subjectheat- generating plantsuk_UA
dc.subjectheat supplyuk_UA
dc.subjectvapor-compression transformationuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrated heat,conversion coefficientuk_UA
dc.titleEffectiveness of decentralized heat supply based on traditional heat generators with vapor compression energy transformation of low-temperature sourcesuk_UA
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник СБА №8

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