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Results 1-10 of 55 (Search time: 0.028 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Quasi-optimal deceleration of rotations of a rigid body with a moving mass in a resistive mediumAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Shchetinina, Yu.S.
2012Optimal Deceleration of Rotations of an Asymmetric Body with a Cavity Filled with Viscous Fluid in a Resistive MediumAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Rachinskaya, A.L.
2014Quasi-Optimal Dеceleration of Rotations of an Asymmetric Body in Resistive MediumAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Rachinskaya, A.L.
2017The evolution of the motions of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of an unsteady torqueAkulenko, L.D.; Zinkevich, Y.S.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.
1990Perturbed rotational motion of a rigid bodyLeshchenko, D.D.
2016Evolution of perturbed rotations of an asymmetric Gyro in a gravitational field and a resisting mediumAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Rachinskaya, A.L.; Shchetinina, Yu.S.
2001Problems of Evolution of Rotations of a Rigid Body under the Action of Perturbing MomentsAkulenko, L.D.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Kushpil, T.A.; Timoshenko, I.A.
2005Evolution of Rotations of a Rigid Body Under the Action of Restoring and Control MomentsAkulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.
2002Evolution of rotations of a rigid body under the action of restoring and control momentsAkulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.
2003Rotations of a rigid body under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torquesAkulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.