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Titel: Capacity of damaged reinforced concrete beams
Autoren: Klymenko, I.V.
Arez Mohammed, I.
Stichwörter: experimental
theoretical research
concrete T-beams
damaged in the process of operation
residual load capacity
stress-strain state and based
load-bearing capacity of
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Odessa, «Атлант» ВОІ СОІУ
Serie/Report Nr.: ;p.162
Zusammenfassung: The monograph resents the results of experimental and theoretical research of the features of the work of reinforced concrete T-beams, damaged in the process of operation, and proposed a technique for determining their residual load capacity, which takes into account the actual stress-strain state and based on the basic assumptions the current regulatory documents. Proposal shave been developed to take in to account the size and nature of damage in determining the load-bearing capacity of such elements. For scientific and engineering staff of designnand construction organizations, graduate students, masters, students.
ISBN: 978-617-7253-75-3
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Монографії кафедри залізобетонних конструкцій та транспортних споруд

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