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Title: Deformation-strength model application at the determing of reinforced concrete structures stress-strain state
Authors: Karpiuk, V.M.
Kostiuk, A.I.
Somina, Yu.A.
Danilenko, D.S.
Keywords: reinforced concrete element
stress-strain state
deformation-strength model
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Праці Одеського політехнічного університету
Series/Report no.: Вип.2(52);с.18-23
Abstract: The work considers the possibility and expediency of deformation-strength model application in the study of stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures. Relying on the basic provisions of the mechanics of solid deformable body and the real stages of reinforced concrete elements work, it is generalized and established by the authors that the real state of reinforced concrete structures can not only be disscribed by stresses diagrams or only by strain diagram.
Appears in Collections:Стаття в журналі

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