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Titel: Role of own deformations of hardening binder in concrete structure organization
Autoren: Vyrovoy, V.
Korobko, O.
Sukhanov, V.
Kotsiurubenko, O.
Stichwörter: deformation
concrete structure
polystructural material
structural heterogeneities
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Herausgeber: 19 Internationale Baustofftagung "ibausil". – Weimar
Serie/Report Nr.: ;р.6
Zusammenfassung: Relationship of the deformation phenomena which determine development of the concrete structure organization is analyzed. Concrete is studied as a polystructural material. Its structure formation is defines by interference of levels of concrete structural heterogeneities on initiation of returnable waves of their own deformations. The conditions for self-generation and self-development of technological cracks, inner surfaces of partition, and set tensions are created. Their interaction provides the integrity and the manifestation of concrete properties in products.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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