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Titel: Modified expanded clay light weight concretes for thin-walled reinforced concrete floating structures
Autoren: Mishutіn, A.V.
Kroviakov, S.
Pishev, O.
Soldo, B.
Stichwörter: expanded clay
floating structures
lightweight concrete
silica fume
water resistance
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Tehničkiglasnik. Technical journal Znanstveno-stručni časopis Veleučilištau Varaždinu Scientific professional journal of Polytechnic of Varaždin Godište
Serie/Report Nr.: Vol.11 №.3;
Zusammenfassung: Properties of modified expanded clay concrete for thin-walled reinforced floating structures were investigated. The experiment was carried out according to the 3-factor optimal plan. Concretes with the strength of up to 43 Mpa, with water resistance up to W12 and the average density of up to 1750 kg/m3 were obtained. Due to the use of expanded clay lightweight concrete, the carrying capacity of a ship, in particular, the floating dock, is increasing, and the comfort of people and technological equipment is increasing.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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