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Titel: Analysis of porous and chemical additives effects on the cement-lime mortar properties
Autoren: Moskalova, K.
Milković, M.
Kozina, G.
Stichwörter: admixtures
hydrated lime
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Tehničkiglasnik. Technical journal Znanstveno-stručni časopis Veleučilištau Varaždinu Scientific professional journal of Polytechnic of Varaždin Godište
Serie/Report Nr.: Vol.11 No.3;p.125-127
Zusammenfassung: Cement-lime (CL) mortar has a number of properties and most important property of this mortar type is dependent on the admixtures and aggregates. By varying the ratio of ingredients, the characteristics of CL mortar can be adapted to specific mortar applications. This paper discusses those mortar properties that EU standards and engineers consider important. For each of these properties, the influence of admixtures and aggregates in the mortar is explored. Properties detailed in the paper include bond strength, compressive strength and workability.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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