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Titel: Multidimensionality of organizational and technological management of transport facilities construction enterprise
Autoren: Meneylyuk, A.
Nikiforov, A.
Stichwörter: erection of transport facilities
multidimensional organizational structure
business processes
organi-zational and technological solutions
numerical optimization
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Herausgeber: Bridges and tunnels: Theory, Research, Practice
Serie/Report Nr.: № 10;С. 115-125
Zusammenfassung: Purpose. Justify the relationship of organizational and technological solutions of the transport facilities construction in the management of the enterprise as a whole and decisions on individual projects and submit this relationship in the form of a multidimensional organization structure. Methods. Synthesis, analysis, combinatorial and morphological analysis. Results. The model of business processes relationship, multidimensional organizational structure of such enterprises are developed and analyzed. The possibility of developing a computer model of operating activity of the organization in question is substantiated. Scientific novelty. Specific factors of the enterprise structure management and methods of the construction enterprise management are highlighted for the first time, their interaction is described. Practical importance. Optimization of organizational and technological solutions, made in the management of the enterprise as a whole and decisions of individual projects.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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