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Title: Percolation Model of Composites: Fraction Clasters and Initial Boundaries
Authors: Herega, A.
Vyrovoy, V.
Pysarenko, A.
Keywords: structure
fractal model
percolation claster
internal boundaries
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: International Journal of Composite Materials
Series/Report no.: №2(6);с.142-146
Abstract: The role of internal boundaries as an integral part of the structure of composite materials is discussed. Computer model of the percolation structure of the composites is proposed. The model used algorithms that based on the Monte-Carlo method is build. The two- and three dimensional composites model is studied and parameters of percolation clusters formed in the model are calculated. The oscillate interactions model of a composite structure components is offered.
Appears in Collections:Стаття в журналі

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