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Title: Dialogical form of communication in practical learning material.
Authors: Syvokin, H.
Maryanko, Y.
Kartel, T.
Keywords: dialogical form of communication
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: It is well known that a dialogical form of communication, common in scientific and popular discourse, is one of a widespreadtechnique to gain knowledge, focusing on the thematic part of a sentence structure, enforcing the expressive characterof presentation in general. The above mentioned is a bright feature that facilitates to populatethe scientific knowledge; so the extensive use of dialogue complexes in scientific and popular discourse proves it. Thequestion-answer complexes and dialogical unities, containing imperative elements can be also observed. Of course, dialogic character of a scientific and popular discourse increases the degree of its expressiveness, which in its turn positively affects the efficiency of perception and keeping in mindsome new information.
Appears in Collections:2017р.

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