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Titel: Experimental-statistical modeling of the work stone pills damaged in the operation process
Autoren: Klymenko, I.V.
Dovgan, A.D.
Grynyova, I.I.
Stichwörter: experimental-statistical modeling
stone pillar
bearing capacity
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Serie/Report Nr.: №70;с.34-39
Zusammenfassung: During the experimental and statistical research, the experiment was planned for the three most important factors influencing the residual load-bearing capacity of damaged stone columns rectangular cross section, namely, the depth of damage, the angle of the front damage on one of the main sections of soy and eccentricity. Numerical modeling of work of the eccentrically compressed rectangular cross section damaged during the operation of stone pillars was carried out in the LIRA-SAPR software package in a non-linear environment. The results of experimental statistical modeling made it possible to determine the influence on the throughput of each selected factors, as well as the mutual influence of the factors. Based on the obtained values of the destructive force for 15 column marks, in accordance with the experimental design, a three-factor experimental-statistical model of the second order was constructed. This model is adequate to the experimental error of 0.45, with 7 statistically significant factors. According to the estimates of the experimental statistical model and single-factor local fields, the depth of damage in the cross section of the column has the greatest impact on the bearing capacity. The analysis of the presented diagram of the joint effect of the variables factors shows, that the maximum destructive loading of the Ru withstands columns with no damping depth (a = 0 mm) and the angle of inclination of the front of the damage and relative eccentricity are approximately at the main levels (х1 = х3 ≈ 0).
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №70

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