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Title: Effect of basalt fiber on the viability of sand concrete mixtures
Authors: Barabash, I.V.
Kroviakov, S.O.
Vorokhaev, A.I.
Keywords: hydrophobization
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: №70;с.80-84
Abstract: The influence of the basalt fiber on the viability of the sand concrete mixture and its mobility on the reference cone depth penetration is investigated. All sandy concrete had a cement/sand ratio of 1/3. In all mixtures, a hyperplasticizer Relaxol was added in an amount of 1% of the cement mass. The introduction of basalt fibers (up to 2 kg/m3 of concrete) practically does not change the depth of the immersion of the cone in the sandy concrete mixture at the initial moment of time compared with the additive mixture. After 2 hours of hardening, the depth of the pencil cone in the concrete mixture without the addition of basalt fibers is 3.1 cm, and with the addition of 2 kg of basaltic fiber per 1 m3 of mixture ‒ 0.8 cm (control). The introduction into the concrete mixture of the same amount of basaltic fiber, pre-treated with silicone fluid GKZ-10, makes the deepening of the reference cone in a mixture at a depth of 2.9 cm, which allows to increase the time required movement of sandy concrete mixture for 40...60 minutes in comparison with control.
Appears in Collections:Вісник ОДАБА №70

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