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Titel: Multi-criteria analysis of lightweight monolithic overlappings
Autoren: Meneiliuk, A.I.
Meneiliuk, I.O.
Kolotylo, T.
Rohozhynskaya, A.
Stichwörter: monolithic overlapping
multi-criteria analysis
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Serie/Report Nr.: №70;с.157-163
Zusammenfassung: The blockouts and inserts in lightweight monolithic overlap setting are being analyzed in the article. The basic idea of using blackouts and inserts is reducing the mass of the construction through the removal of its concrete which does not engaged in construction work. This helps to reduce expenses on material without decreasing the bearing ability of overlap. The determination of the most effective overlap for the shopping and entertainment center “Gagarin Plaza” in the Odessa city through the multi-criteria analysis filtration. Different types of blockouts were compared such as permanent formwork in the rectangular, square, spherical shape and polystyrene foam inserts. Basic criteria are labor intensity, cost, weight of finished product. Showing results grouping and filtration of the main criteria are completed, score of each decision and the analysis of the diagrams according to the main criteria. According to the analysis results, the option of a lightweight overlap with inserts of polystyrene foam liners was chosen.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №70

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