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Titel: Modern of calendar plans technique composition for construction of building complex
Autoren: Faizulyna, O.A.
Bespalova, A.V.
Dashkovskaya, O.P.
Knush, A.I.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Serie/Report Nr.: №70;с.164-169
Zusammenfassung: The main tasks at the stage of project implementation for the on-line production of works are the operational planning of construction and installation works and their management, which ensures the prevention of organizational and technological failures, as well as the elimination of failures and their consequences. For this purpose, the development of organizational and technological solutions to improve the reliability of their adoption at the stage of production work project is actual today. One of the models for reflecting probabilistic production processes is the network model. In this paper, the Monte Carlo method was used to analyze the network model, solving the problem of stability of the critical path under a probability network. Its essence lies in the multiple realization of the probabilistic process on the model. For each work of the network schedule, the interval of work time values was determined, assuming the occurrence of any value of the duration in the range of limit values is equally probable. Next, we mathematically simulated the probable value of the duration by generating random numbers. Then, the network schedule was calculated as deterministic and the empirical distribution of process parameters was obtained and analyzed. We came to the conclusion that such an approach is advisable in practical activities and can be recommended to the contractor to improve organizational and technological reliability in the design of the PPR, as well as to solve the reliability problems of organizational management systems (investigation of the impact on the reliability of their organization systems, management structure, etc.).
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №70

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