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Titel: Coverings for ensuring the movement of individual environmental transport
Autoren: Solonenko, I.
Leonova, A.
Stichwörter: ecological transport
bicycle path
cement concrete
criteria analysis
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Serie/Report Nr.: №71;с.135-142
Zusammenfassung: This article analyzes the state and development of bicycle lanes infrastructure in European countries. Comparative data on the load of bicycle transport in some countries of the world are given in the work (number of bicycles per 100 inhabitants in the country). The article presents the most interesting, in the authors’ opinion, technical solutions for ensuring the convenience of cycling operation used in Switzerland, Germany and Holland. Trends in the use of coatings for bicycle paths have been considered with a view for ensuring the safety and convenience of bicycle operation. The results of a multicriteria analysis of existing road surface materials are given in order to choose the most rational one for use on bicycle paths. The received researches have shown that the best indicators providing demanded qualities of a material for a road covering are cement concrete. High technical-economic and exploitation indicators of such coatings are largely due to rational selection of the material composition.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №71

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