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Название: A review of management of infrastructure road assets
Авторы: Mitinskiy, V.
Vashchynska, O.
Shyriaieva, N.
Khmaruk, O.
Ключевые слова: global challenges
knowledge management
sustainable development goals (SDGs)
transdisciplinary research
Дата публикации: июл-2018
Издательство: Economic and Social Development. 32nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development Odessa, 21-22 June 2018
Серия/номер: ;р.111-117
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Purpose and research question - The destruction of infrastructure assets, including existing of the road systems, is increasing. In the process of exploitation of road assets, the excessive impact of transport vibrations, water-heat and low-temperature loads, soil washing leads to a significant reduction in the regulatory criteria for their safety, premature technical wear of surface plates, cracks, unevenness, lowering. Increasing the number of seismic fluctuations and floods violates the integrity and stability of road systems. Inadequate and untimely financing leads to increased costs for the prevention and rehabilitation of road systems. The purpose of the survey is to analyze problems and trends in the management of infrastructure road assets; correcting the content of educational programs in a new global context and principles of sustainable development. Methods of research - Review of scientific and applied information in the public domain about the organizational mechanism of infrastructure assets management in the context of global tasks and problems. The subject of the study is knowledge management in the field of in frastructure of the road assets. Results - This study does not have a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors. It is expected that the transitional results of interdisciplinary research will contribute to the implementation of global programs aimed at improving knowledge management in the field of infrastructure asset management, including the road system. Conclusions - In general, the trends in the implementation of the principles of global programs for transforming the economy based on digital technologies show a positive trend. For example, innovative proposals by scientists and business practitioners have helped to reduce the infrastructure gap of assets in many countries. However, factors of negative impact, including natural disasters, economic instability, slow processes of transformation of human capital and organizational culture have been revealed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://mx.ogasa.org.ua/handle/123456789/6751
ISSN: 1849-7535
Располагается в коллекциях:Стаття в матеріалах конференцій та семінарів, симпозіумів. Тези

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