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Title: Descriptive geometry course addressed to the civil engineering students at Odessa State Academy
Authors: Nikitenko, O.
Kernytskyy, I.
Kalinin, A.
Dumanskaya, V.
Keywords: transformation
developments of surface
topographic projection
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Publisher: Biuletyn PTGiGI (Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Geometrii i Grafiki Inżynierskiej) The Journal of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics, – Gliwice, Decemer
Series/Report no.: Volume 31;р.29-34
Abstract: Descriptive Geometry and engineering graphics is one of the educational disciplines that forms the basis of engineering education. Unfortunately, in many schools such subject as drawing is classified as a secondary one, and only spare time is assigned to the study of drawing. On the one hand, teachers have to explain the course to the audience that is completely unprepared for spatial thinking. On the other hand, on an equal footing they have to teach graphic principles: how to correctly draw parallel lines, construct perpendiculars, divide circles into the required number of equal parts and so on. In this work, some attempts are made to illustrate the ways of solving particular problem, based on the course being taught and the scientific and methodological researches conducted by the teachers of the department.
Appears in Collections:Стаття в журналі

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