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Title: Обеспечение эксплутационной надежности работы консольных элементов балконов зданий-памятников архитектуры
Authors: Калинина, Т.А.
Коробкова, Л.С.
Твардовський, И.А.
Keywords: эксплуатационная надежность
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017
Series/Report no.: ;с.53-57
Abstract: The article considers a number of technical issues that required the analysis design models of problematic structures with preservation of their authenticity by the example of the emergency situation original balconies "House of Yagnitsky" built by F.K.Boffo in 1835, Odessa. The article is supplied with photographs:general view of the emergency balcony; the destroyed node.Unloading anchorage scheme of beam-channel for fixing the support brackets is given. For the confirmation of the chosen constructive solution, were made calculations of the scheme two spansof brackets before and after the amplification; tension in the anchor.
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017

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