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dc.contributor.authorКалініна, Т.О.-
dc.contributor.authorКалінін, О.О.-
dc.contributor.authorНікітенко, О.А.-
dc.contributor.authorНігірняк, М.В.-
dc.description.abstractCurrently, with all the variety of new building materials, the interest of the researchers in such “classic materials” as concrete and reinforced concrete does not lose its relevance. This is primarily due to their ease of manufacturing and economic accessibility. Initially it was thought that the strength and deformative characteristics of the heavy concrete of natural hardening when the concrete reached 28 days of age did not significantly change in the future, therefore these characteristics were used in the formulas for calculating concrete and reinforced concrete structures. However, in a number of experimental studies it was found that the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete in reinforced concrete decreases significantly with time. The presence of these data dictates the need to obtain an exhaustive response to the manifestation of such a phenomenon, which in the future would make it possible to give a reliable estimate of the accident rate of long-acting reinforced concrete bending elements.uk_UA
dc.publisherАктуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, VI, 2019uk_UA
dc.subjectдеформативна особливістьuk_UA
dc.subjectміцність бетонуuk_UA
dc.titleДослідження деформативних особливостей армованого бетонуuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки VI, 2019

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