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dc.contributor.authorБекшаев, С.Я.-
dc.description.abstractThere are systems of hinge supports (including finite stiffness) of a multi-span rod that provide the maximum value of the critical force for a given number of supports. Among these systems, there are those in which an increase in the stiffness of any of the supports does not increase the critical force, and the reduction makes the critical force less. A method for determining the stiffness coefficients for all sets of such systems is proposed. The stiffness distribution between the supports of the optimal set for which the sum of the stiffness coefficients is minimal is also found.uk_UA
dc.publisherАктуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, VI, 2019uk_UA
dc.subjectжесткость опорuk_UA
dc.subjectзадача бубноваuk_UA
dc.subjectкритическая силаuk_UA
dc.titleОб оптимальной жесткости опор многопролетного продольно сжатого стержняuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки VI, 2019

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