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Title: Экспериментальные исследования свободных колебаний железобетонных и фибробетонных балок
Authors: Бажанова, А.Ю.
Маковкина, Т.С.
Чопенко, С.В.
Keywords: фибробетонные балки
свободные колебания
дифференциальные уравнения
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, VI, 2019
Series/Report no.: ;с.29-31
Abstract: Free vibrations of reinforced concrete and fiber concrete beams with the same reinforcement with bar reinforcement and different percentages of dispersed reinforcement are investigated. Developed stand for dynamic tests, testing of which is performed on a metal. I-beam andshowed a slight divergence of the frequency spectrum with its theoretical value. When testing reinforced concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete beams, the divergence of the frequency spectrum with its theoretical value in all cases turned out to be very significant. The reasons for this phenomenon and areas for further research are discussed, priority in which is given to building a correct dynamic model of a reinforced beam on the basis of experimental studies and computer modeling in order to qualitatively and quantitatively identify all factors affecting the spectrum of natural oscillation frequencies.
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки VI, 2019

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