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Title: Явления самоорганизации в затвердевающей пенобетонной смеси
Authors: Мартынов, В.И.
Ветох, А.М.
Keywords: пенобетон
самоорганизующиеся системы
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, VI, 2019
Series/Report no.: ;с.58-59
Abstract: Theoretically justified and experimentally confirmed that the solidifying foam concrete mixture refers to self-organizing systems. Confirmation is evidenced by the presence of fluctuations in electrical resistance, and the rate of change in the volume of the solidifying foam concrete mixture. As well as on physical models of materials of dense and macroporous structure, the influence of the initial ratios of solid, liquid and gas components on the change in the nature of the structure of the model material was studied and the combinations between the phase components were determined, at which the maximum strength of foam concrete is achieved.
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки VI, 2019

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