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Titel: Civil Construction Optimization of architectural, constructive, organization and technological decisions
Autoren: Klymenko, Y.V.
Menejljuk, Oleksandr
Cherepashchuk, Larysa
Grynyova, Iryna
Menejljuk, Ivan
Nikiforov, Oleksiy
Sayenko, Denys
Stichwörter: optimization
civil construction
childcare centers of integrated-attached type
architectural and organizational planning
brick structures
walling structures
energy efficiency
organizational and financial constraints
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Zusammenfassung: The work is devoted to the problem of determination of effective architectural, structural, organizational and technological solutions in the multifunctional civil construction. Methods for determining effective solutions of civil construction were proposed. An efficient architectural and planning solutions of childcare centers of integrated-attached type were developed. There were presented the results of study of the effect of depth, angle of inclination of damages, relative eccentricity on bearing capacity of brick structures. The optimization algorithm and efficient solutions were found in the civil construction under organizational and financial constraints. Seven walling innovative solutions with improved thermal characteristics were proposed. There were found effective construction solutions of walling structures erection under the influence of organizational and technological factors.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Монографії кафедри технології будівельного виробництва

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