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Titel: Scrum-technology in the management of marketing activities of a construction enterprise.
Autoren: Seleznova, O.
Shyriaieva, N.
Strenkovska, A.
Prodaevich, I
Stichwörter: construction
project management
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Науковий журнал Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В. І. Вернадського.
Zitierform: c. 36-42
Serie/Report Nr.: Том 31 (70) № 2;
Zusammenfassung: In the article there have been brought theoretical and applied bases of introduction of scrum-technology into the management of marketing activity of the construction enterprise. The definition of the process of management of marketing activities of the construction enterprise has been given. There has been shown a historical background of the emergence of scrum-technology in the field of enterprise’s management. The content of essence of scrum-technology is revealed and its suitability in the management of marketing activity of the construction enterprise is proved. The main components of scrum-technology, as well as the principles of its work, are named and described. A brief description of the web-system for the implementation of scrum-technology at the construction enterprise is given. The main stages of implementation of scrum-technology in the management of marketing activity of the construction enterprise are proved. An example of the implementation of scrum-technology at the Ukrainian construction enterprise “LLC “Alphapivdenbud” is shown.
ISSN: 2523-4803
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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