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Titel: Numerical modeling of the distribution of snow load on a hyperbolic paraboloid.Theoretical basis
Autoren: Surianinov, M.G.
Jgalli, S.
Al Echeheikh, EI Alaoui Douaa
Stichwörter: numerical
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: Вісник ОДАБА, Одеса
Serie/Report Nr.: 21;43-51
Zusammenfassung: The paper discusses the che choice of a method for studying the distribution of snow loads on a biconcave roof of a hyperboloid and its theoretical justification.It is noted that the numerical modeling of the aerodynamic characteristics of buildings and structures is a difficult and resource-intensive task due to the design fcatures of buildings objects.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №85

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