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Titel: Field tests of the experimental constructive schemes of sound insulation of the floor
Autoren: Babiy, I.N.
Kalchenia, Ye.Yu.
Stichwörter: experimental
the floor
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Вісник ОДАБА, Одеса
Serie/Report Nr.: 21;104-110
Zusammenfassung: The dynamic development of urbsnization in well as throughout the world.only increases the number of noise sources that disturb people.And this cannot be ignored.because insufficint sound insulation in an apartment threatens people with neuroses.changes in biorhythms.disorders of the digestive system.headache.memoru impairment. problems associated with the perception of color.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №86

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