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Titel: Choosing injectable solution for auger technology of underground space protection against pollution
Autoren: Meneylyuk, Оleksandr
Nikiforov, Aleksey
Meneylyuk, Ivan
Russyi, Victor
Stichwörter: radiation safety
auger technology
horizontal directional drilling
anti-filtration shield
experimental statistical modeling
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
Serie/Report Nr.: № 5;Р. 106-111.
Zusammenfassung: Purpose. The research is devoted to the experimental choice of injection composition for auger technology of installation of underground anti-filtration shields under the source of pollution. Auger technology for the arrangement of anti-filtration shield consists of pilot holes made by the horizontal directional drilling, which is followed by the arrangement of a waterproof layer by replacing the soil with auger by special concrete solution. Methodology. The main research method is experimental-statistical modeling, which includes: conducting laboratory tests; correlation-regression analysis of the obtained data; qualitative, quantitative and graphical analysis of the obtained regularities of the studied indicators change from the varied factors. Findings. The main results of the study are the following: substantiation of the relevance of the development of auger technology for the protection of underground space; development of methods and conducting laboratory experiments on the injectable solution choice; analysis of experimental and statistical regularities of changes in water absorption and time of plastic strength setting when varying the composition of the anti-filtration shield (concentration of fiber, bentonite, water glass); development of the concept of technology of the anti-filtration shield arrangement. Originality. Experimental studies made it possible to establish that the minimum water absorption of the shied samples is observed at the lowest concentration of fiber (0.5 %), bentonite (1 %) and liquid glass (2 %) in the injected solution. For structures of small width (10-20 m.), there are suitable compositions with a minimum time of plastic strength setting at a concentration of fiber (3 %), bentonite (5 %) and water glass (18 %). For structures with a large width (40-60 m.), there are suitable compositions with a long time of plastic strength at a concentration of fiber (9 %), bentonite (5 %) and water glass (6 %). Practical value. Experimental results made it possible to develop technological recommendations for the construction of anti-filtration shields using auger technology. Namely: to develop a concept and procedure of works, to calculate the costs of labor and machine time, to compile a list of necessary materials, machinery and equipment.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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