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Showing results 245 to 264 of 10008 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008General concept by preservation model of cinque terre national park, Italy. (From smart history towards common European heritage)Yeksareva, N.; Yeksarev, A.
2020Geodesic mappings of spaces with special vector fieldsKiosak, V.; Lesechko, O.
2019GEODESIC MONITORING DURING TEMPLE RESTORATIONZakharchuk, V.; Tretenkov, V.; Shishkalova, N.
2018Geometry of the tracery of the gothic windowsNikitenko, О.; Karsznia, К.; Kalinin, A.
2022Glass in architecture and sculptureKoniuk, A.E.; Polshchikova, N.V.; Vasylenko, О.В.; Stashenko, M.S.
2023Google Forms як засіб контролю під час вивчення іноземних мовСтепанюк, Г.М.
2023Google Форма як засіб оцінки якості знань студентів в умовах дистанційного навчанняЛукашенко, Л.Е.; Нікіфоров, О.Л.
2021Graphics as a formative aspect of the professional culture of future architectsKubrish, N.R.; Samoykova, O.M.; Oleshko, L.I.
2015Heat-insulating gypsum based plaster compositionsLyashenko, T.; Kersh, V.; Kolesnikov, A.
2021Historical and cultural heritage of settlementsKharitonova, A.A.; Goldina, M.V.
2020How to get students' attention to your lectureChernieva, O.
2020Hydrochemical peculiarities of the groundwater composition of the dundry waterway regionOleynik, T.P.; Semenova, S.V.; Makovetskaya, E.A.; Dmitrenko, М.Р.
2020Hydrophobazation of basalt fiber and its influence on the mechanical characteristics of sand concreteBarabash, I.V.; Vorokhaiev, A.I.; Ksonshkevych, L.M.
2020Ideas and methods of multi-centre structure formation of composite materialsVyrovoy, V.M.; Korobko, O.O.; Kazmirchuk, N.V.; Urazmanova, N.F.
2021Identification of the recreational of the city of OdessaStorozhuk, S.S.
2021Improvement of cooperation forms with students of civil engineering track in the online study of graphic disciplinesBrednyova, V.P.; Naydynova, U.I.; Krohmal, V.O.
2024Improvement of methoodological tools for teaching graphic disciplines for pre-university trainingБредньова, В.П.; Прохорец, І.М.
2021Improvement of professional training of students-architects in the process of art and introductory practice in paintingKonshyna, E.M.
2022Improvement of public garden near cadet stairs in OdesaMorozan, K.V.; Amelokhina, O.V.; Dumanska, V.V.; Kalinin, O.O.
2024Improvement of the ''Regensburg'' square in OdesaKovalchuk, K.; Tretiak, D.; Dumanska, V.V.