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Titel: The Quantitative characteristics the microstructure of building composites
Sonstige Titel: Kvantitativne karakteristike mikrostrukture gradevinskih kompozita
Autoren: Dovgan, I.V.
Kolesnikov, A.
Semenova, S.
Zaitseva, O.
Stichwörter: building materials
image processing
Nih Image
point images
statistical geometry
Erscheinungsdatum: Dez-2016
Herausgeber: TehničkiGlasnik. Technical Journal. TehničkiGlasnik Znanstveno-stručni časopis Sveučilišta Sjever.Scientific professional journal of University North
Serie/Report Nr.: Number 3-4;p. 113-116
Zusammenfassung: The article deals with the algorithm of the building material structure based on its photomicrographs by means of point images statistical analysis. The obtained values allow the defining of the basic characteristics of the material structure.
ISSN: 1848-5588(Online)
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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